My name is Rozaria Vinanda and you can call me oCha.
Born in Lhokseumawe (Nangroe Aceh Darussalam), April 18th, 1988.
Live in Surabaya, East Java - Indonesia.
A phlegmatic melancholic person, calm, patient..
little bit stubborn, moody..
Love reading esp. novels, singing, listening to music, blogging, photography,
anything in blue and green color.
Author of:
"2❤10" (NulisBuku)
"Roze and Dave" (NulisBuku)
"We're a Miracle" (one of the LDR stories in "Long Distance Hearts" ~ @LongDistance_R)
Well.. Nobody's perfect, right?
I'm just trying to be a lovely woman, a good daughter and wife,
and of course..
To be a better person, a great Muslimah..
"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love
and friendship
can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not
(Orson Welles)